Daniel Ruiz

CDMX · Mexico · (+52 1) 55-2703-8168 · kirbygo@hotmail.com

Economist · Data Analyst · Competition Policy Expert


External Consultant

Competition Policy Expert at Spectron Desarrollo. Data Analyst and Competition Analyst at Ockham Economic Consulting. Business and Financial Analyst at Signium Desarrollo. Data Analyst and Policy Analyst at El Colegio de México (Colmex).

April 2019 -

Market Structures Analyst in Regulated Markets

Comisión Federal de Competencia Económica - Cofece

Investigation, (theoretical and data-based) analysis, determination and solution proposal in special procedures: barriers to competition, essential facilities, and market competition conditions.

May 2016 – March 2019

Commissioner Advisor

Comisión Federal de Competencia Económica - Cofece

Theoretical analysis, econometric modelling, and resolution on competition issues including mergers, abusive practices, concessions & permits (ports and energy sector), and opinions (auctions and novel regulations).

June 2014 – May 2016

External Consultant

Data analyst at DTS y Asociados. Analysis and elaboration of methodological gender-focused papers. Econometric analysis of the ENIGH and ENOE (INEGI surveys).

January 2013 – December 2013

Summer Intern

Université de Genève

Contributions to the project 'International Cooperation in the aftermath of Financial Crises 1870-1980s'. Data analysis of novel databases and international historical news archives. Design of the econometric analysis of the determinants in the sovereign risk behavior.

June 2013 – September 2013

Pharmacoeconomic Analyst


Pharmacoeconomic evaluations. Support access attempts, through different economic evaluation tools, to include medicines to the "Cuadro Básico de Medicamentos". Design and development of Markov cost-effectiveness models.

October 2011 – October 2012

Social Service

Comisión Federal de Telecomunicaciones - Cofetel

Analysis for relevant information and international experience and data on specific areas. Search, management and analysis of public databases. Analysis for a better regulation in the Telecom sector.

March 2010 – October 2011


El Colegio de México – Colmex

MSc in Economics
July 2012 – July 2014

Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas – CIDE

BSc in Economics
July 2007 – July 2011

University of Alberta

BSc in Economics

Exchange student.

July 2010 – December 2010


Programming Languages & Skills
  • Stata. For everything from data cleaning (even dealing with strings), to complex data analysis and visualization (even maps).
  • LaTeX. For publications and presentations.
  • SQL & Python. For more complex and modern data analysis (pandas or scikit-learn) and huge datasets, mainly. Whatever I cannot do in Stata. Also awesome interactive data visualization.
  • ArcGis & Tableau. For dealing with coordinates, maps and awesome data visualization.
  • I'm always learning more of Python. Also learning HTML & CSS as I'm doing this webpage.

  • Creative and extremely curious. I'm highly adaptable to changing environments.
  • Deep understanding of Microeconomics, Industrial Organisation, Econometrics & Statistics, and Game Theory. I use the theory to understand and solve practical problems.
  • Team player and problem solver.
  • Great team manager and leader of interdisciplinary teams.
  • Geek and data lover.
  • Español nativo. Proficient in English. Et je parle un peu français.


  • Kaniska Dam and Daniel Ruiz, "On the existence of share contracts under limited liability", Economic Letters, Vol. 117, Issue 3, December 2012, pp. 552-555. Read here.
  • Alejandro Ildefonso Castañeda Sabido, Oscar Martínez Quintero, Daniel Ruiz Pérez, "The setting of resale price by book editors", El Trimestre Económico, Volumen LXXXVI (1), número 341, enero-marzo de 2019. Read here.
  • Alejandro Castañeda and Daniel Ruiz. "The Political Economy of The Telecommunications Reform in Mexico", UNDP LAC Working Papers No. 08. Background Paper for the UNDP LAC Regional Human Development Report 2021, March 2021. Read here.
  • Campos Vázquez, Castañeda Sabido, Ramírez Álvarez, Ruiz Pérez. "Amazon's Effect on Prices: The Case of Mexico", El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos. Documentos de trabajo. Número II-2022. Read here.


Apart from being an economist and data analyst, I really enjoy learning new things different to my academic background. I've been learning about cryptocurrencies, fintech, new technologies, medicine, telecomm, and a large etc.

I spend large amounts of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements. It's a good time to be alive!

Oh, yeah, and I also like taking pictures.

Jet d'eau, Genève, 2013.